To create a new event (the web page containing all the info of your event), use the link “Create new event” that you will find in the upper menu and in the summary screen of your events. The event page will automatically be saved as a draft while you create it, so don’t worry if […]
Category: 02 – Creating an event
Mandatory information in your event
To be able to publish your event on the web, we need some mandatory content: Event title Event date Category Ticket Once these content elements are inserted, you can continue building your event by adding all the desired information, without having to save them each time (saving is done automatically).
Choosing tags for your event
You can choose tags (useful for searches) for your event directly from the menu on the right side of your event creation page, by clicking the “Event options” button.
Changing the event URL
A default URL (web address) is assigned to each published event, starting from the event title. You can edit it directly from the event creation page, from the “Event options” button within the right side menu.
Privacy settings for your event
7You can edit the privacy of your event from “public” to “private” directly from your promotion and admin menu, by clicking the “event options” icon. By choosing to set privacy to “Private”, you will have to set an access code to your event web page, in order to make it exclusive and only visible to […]
Publishing/Unpublishing of an event
To publish an event, use the “Publish” button” located in the upper side of the creation page menu. Once published, your event will be reachable at the web address automatically created starting from the title you inserted for the event, or to the one you edited. At this point all you need to do is […]
Viewing an event you created
Per visualizzare la pagina del tuo evento, dalla schermata di riepilogo di tutti i tuoi eventi, ti basta cliccare sul menù contestuale presente in ogni miniatura, in basso a destra, e selezionare “Visualizza”. La pagina web che vedi è quella pubblica, esattamente quella che vedranno i tuoi utenti.
Editing an existing event
To edit the page of an already published or of a draft event, click on the preview (the miniature of your event) on the summary page of your events.
Sorting elements on your event page
Metooo allows you to insert all the desired content into your event page, to customize and enrich it. Use the links on the lower side of the page and select the type of content you want to add. Every piece of content can be edited further by clicking on the “edit” icon on the side […]
Unpublished events
On the “My events” page you can see the summary of all unpublished events, either in draft form, either those from which you removed the public status.